Air Sparging is an in-situ technology used in groundwater remediation. It is generally used in conjunction with soil vapour extraction (SVE) techniques.
This groundwater remediation process involves the drilling of injection wells into the water table. A surface-mounted blower unit pumps air down the wells and into the groundwater. This induces a flow of air through the unsaturated zone of the soils and groundwater to remove volatile and some semi-volatile contaminants. The extracted air can be treated to recover or remove any contaminants contained.
As with most in-situ technologies considerable importance is placed upon understanding the ground conditions and ensuring that the installation of both injection and abstraction wells are accurately placed and spaced.
The addition of oxygen to the formation and groundwater also enhances the biodegradation process and facilitates natural attenuation.
JS Remediation have decades of experience in Air Sparging having worked on Air Sparging projects in Ireland, the UK and Africa. JS Remidiation has an extremely impressive client base, including multinationals, blue chips, leading building and mining companies, prominent engineering and environmental consultants, local authorities, utilities, semi-states and other government departments.
At JS Remediation, we pride ourselves on our problem-solving abilities. Our in-house design team develops focused remedial strategies which we can take through from conceptual design and regulator negotiation to full scale implementation, final validation, regulatory approval, and every stage in-between.
Contact us for all of your Air Sparging requirements.